Thursday, August 24, 2006

Mega Expectations

I hope to develop a greater knowledge of techniques in digital design and fabrication and learn how to communicate architecture digitally. My experience is limited in digital communication so I hope to fill this gap. I am interested in how the MEGA concept of this course relates to globalization and cultural transformation. Especially in how cultural and individual identity and uniqueness are maintained in our environment of growing emphasis of big over small and whole over part. I am also interested in studying modular building and prefabricated building techniques, something that seems to be increasingly present in the building industry, and how it can be utilized to create practical structures while avoiding monotony and banality. It should be interesting to work simultaneously in several scales through digital modeling and design. I expect the course to be an engaging study of the relations of parts to the whole, both conceptually and physically. I also expect it to be a challenge due to its experimental nature.

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