Wednesday, October 04, 2006

First Desk Crit in the SUMO

The desk critique on Monday went well in the SUMO. The noise reduction seems to be working well and my only complaint would be that it was a little warm while inside. Vyew worked well for quick sketches during the desk crit. A more sophisticated sketching program or stylus would improve the clarity, but so far it has been fine.

I received direction on how to map travel-time globally. Hopefully now I can move from tracing data towards a mapping that gives the concept of mapping based on time a more visually concrete presentation. I think that I will choose key locations, such as major cities, to serve as the hubs for the mapping. I am still researching methods and data sources as well as considering using flash or other similar programs to create an interactive mapping. A mega-blog post on this topic is forthcoming.

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